Contact Us
We love to hear from our fans from all over the world! The best way for us to converse with you is on one of our social media sites (see those little icons at the top of this page). Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are the handiest right now. That’s where you’ll see and hear our most current stuff, so please leave us your comments and questions there. You can also leave us a comment on this website under the News stories we write. Just click the News tab at the top of the page to read those and leave us a message. Don’t be shy! But do be nice if you can. Nobody needs any more trashtalk right now, do we?
For booking inquiries or management questions, please hit us up at one of the emails below. And if you really want to help us out, please follow us on Spotify and all of our socials! Thanks!
General Inquiries
Press, partnerships, booking, and management inquiries only: